Sotong betul...!!!!!!

Cheh.. kan aku dah kata.. final World Cup 2010 sure masuk team yang tak best.... masa Brazil kalah kat Holland/Netherland/Dutchland/Belanda etc etc.. aku dah kata... team Susu nih asyik bebuat jatuuuh jerr... satni tak jadi main bola laa... pengadil siap tertipu dengan gaya stuntman nih... errpp... tapi dulu Rivaldo kena baling bola ponnn bebuat jatuh tergolek-golek gaak kannn, so.. sireh pulang ke gagang lerr...

Frankly saying, korang tengok cara brazil player nih kawal bola... sebijik cam juggler sarkis.. depa ngan bola tuh dah macam melekat.. tapi football game bukan untuk skilled player, they are more towards a team spirit and team manager's tactical touches. kalau ndak tengok skilled player... pi London Circus laaa...

Nasib baik team Susu leh tahan Uruguay, ko final Uruguay dengan team tangan tuhan Suarez jumpak plakk ngan Espanol... laaagi ler cikai!
Geng susu DutchLady jangan marah aaaa....

Nih semua pasal skuad jerman  terlalu percaya kat sotong nama Paul tuh lerrr... grrrr...
Lepas nih, asal jumpa sotong aku akan makan, untuk balas dendam kat Paul yang ramalkan Jerman kalah kat Spain...

Paul the Octopus or Paul Oktopus[2]  is a two-year-old common octopus with a history of correctly predicting the results of major German international football  matches,[3][4][5][6][7]  especially in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. This total rate of 11 out of 12 games correct constitutes a significant deviation from what flipping a coin would suggest, using a Binomial test. A fair coin would guess at least 11 out of 12 games correctly only 1 time in 315.

Paul was hatched at the Sea Life Park in Weymouth, England[8][9] but currently resides at the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. Before German international football matches, Paul is presented with food in two identical containers; one container is marked with the flag of Germany and the other is marked with the flag of Germany's opponent. In each instance, Paul's choice of food is interpreted as his predicted victor. Paul is reported to have correctly chosen the winner in five of Germany's six UEFA Euro 2008 matches,[10], predicting that Germany would win every match except a loss to Croatia, but incorrectly predicting Germany's victory over Spain in the final in 2008.[11] He correctly chose the winner in each of Germany's six matches in the 2010 FIFA World Cup, including Germany's loss to Serbia during the group phase, and a loss to Spain in semifinals.[12][13][14][15][16]

Buat peminat Team tu jangan marah aaaa... aku cuma ndak tengok game bolasepak, bukan game stuntman.. ko setakat nak menang camtu, bomoh afrika sure leh jampi bagi South Africa menang...
hhmmm hampeh.. kepala aku dok pening lagi nih, tak cukup tido.... bola punya pasal.

Aku bengang bukan pasal Germany kalah... *tu yg sebenarnye akakaka
tapi aku sokong Hitler, pasal dia musuh Yahudi nomor satu....

Ada baiknye jugak worldcup nih... pasal setiap kali bangun ndak tengok bola, aku paksa diri aku untuk semayang dulu... no semayang.. no bola!

tsamina mina sangkalewa... this time for africa!


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